Providing Notary Services at Your Convenience
When you need fast and efficient service from a certified notary public in New York, get in touch with SummersAllDay Mobile Notary Public. We notarize a wide range of legal documents, from standard letters to power of attorney certificates. Call, email or text us to request our services. We serve clients in New York; Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and as well as in Lower Westchester, Long Island and New Jersey.​
Why Choose Us
What sets us apart from any other notary services is our level of convenience. We notarize in homes, offices, hospitals, hotels, and various states or countries.
At SummersAllDay Mobile Notary Public., the signer is our priority, enabling us to provide our services with ironclad integrity, complete confidentiality, and endless patience.
We grow with every customer that we service. Inspired by our customers' differing needs, we are constantly educating ourselves to increase our knowledge in all matters relating to the lawful practice of notary services.